

“A world where human and human, human and AI can understand each other”


In human-human dialogue, we can understand what others are saying in conversation context. However, without comprehending the content of the story, we cannot get the context. As the story progresses, remarks and context gradually become clear. Focusing on this, our research agenda seeks to study the dialogue processing mechanism that supports human-AI and human-human interaction. We research on AI speakers & lifestyle support robots that interact with human and user interfaces that support human-human dialogue, especially research development of Simultaneous Contextualization And Interpreting (SCAIN) algorithms which grasps the information that the interlocutors or AI systems put emphasis on in order to promote their conversation.


  • (PI) Michita Imai
    • Keio University
  • Kazuhiro Ueda
    • Tokyo University
  • Komei Sugiura
    • Keio University
  • Masaki Takahashi
    • Keio University


We conducted an online demonstration of mutual understanding support, which is one of the outcomes of the JST CREST Symbiotic Interaction project, “Realizing Mutual Understanding Computation Based on Simultaneous Estimation of Context and Interpretation.”

Understanding statements in a conversation requires context. However, when context is not shared, such as due to missed parts of the conversation or late participation, it becomes challenging to grasp the intent behind the speaker’s remarks, making mutual understanding difficult. In this workshop, participants experienced a system based on contextual information processing technology designed to promote mutual understanding. The technology introduced in this workshop is part of the research outcomes from the JST CREST Symbiotic Interaction project, “Realizing Mutual Understanding Computation Based on Simultaneous Estimation of Context and Interpretation” (Principal Investigator: Michihito Imai), which was selected in FY 2019.